The United Way of Pitt County’s Board of Trustees has announced a $734,906 investment in Pitt County. These funds help children enter school ready and remain on track toward graduation, improve family stability and dependency on public assistance through workforce training, and provide a safety net of basic needs services. The Board decision came at the end of a five month process that engaged 30 volunteers.
With these goals and statistics in mind, the United Way of Pitt County invited agencies to submit full grant applications in February. In March and April, almost 30 volunteers from three focus area sub-committees (school success, workforce development and basic needs) visited with applicants to review programs and hear presentations. In May, the Board of Trustees approved the award recommendations for July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
United Way of Pitt County is working to make the biggest possible impact in reaching these two major community level goals through k-readiness initiatives, 3rd grade literacy programs, character education opportunities, middle school success programs, certificate training for high school students and much more.
Through the help of generous donors like you from all over Pitt County and the work of the volunteers, school success investments total $345,810, workforce development investments total $110,000, and basic needs investments total $279,896.
Board Chair Marybeth Eason recognized the work of the volunteers that served during this process. "Volunteers spend a great deal of time ensuring that their recommendations help "move the needle" on these community level goals. The volunteers did a tremendous job of adding three new partner programs despite difficulties in meeting our fundraising goals. The Board appreciates the volunteer time and tough decision making that goes into this process.”
1440 East Arlington Blvd., Suite B
Greenville, NC 27858