We are proud to help rewrite the stories of men, women and children in our community. United Way and local community partners work collectivly to address challenges our Pitt County citizens face every day by investing in the building blocks that form the foundation every individual and family needs to be happy, healthy, and reach their dreams.
What follows are stories of real people in Pitt County who needed a hand up, and United Way, our community partners, and you were there for them. We are making a greater impact locally when we work together. Thank you for making a contribution to United Way- investing in our community.
Walter, age 70, lives alone and has difficulty completing daily activities due to neuropathy in his feet. He no longer drives and relies on family members and friends to assist with instrumental activities with daily living. Walter was hospitalized for complications with diabetes and fluid retention. He often experiences food insecurity and did not have enough food to eat when taking his diabetic medications. During home visits with Pitt County Council on Aging staff, Walter stated that he might have people willing to assist him with needs if he were to ask. However, he was not comfortable asking anyone for help. He had been a deacon in his church for many years and said people looked to him for strength. Instead, Walter had been going hungry with not enough food to take his diabetes medications which made him sick because he would either go without the medications or take them on an empty stomach. Through our partnership with Pitt County Council on Aging, Walter now receives a hot meal daily and is checked on by a volunteer who delivers his Meals on Wheels lunch.
John* came to Community Crossroads after unemployment caused him to lose his apartment. He had been living in his car for 3 months parked in the Wal-Mart parking lot until the police told him he could not park there anymore. The officers recommended that John go to Community Crossroad Shelter. Community Crossroads is where people who are homeless can regroup, receive guidance, and work on obtaining a more secure future. John was provided with temporary housing, and he worked with the case manager to get his finances in order. He was able to get a secure job and save enough money to move into permanent housing.
* not his real name
When Simone became a member of Boys and Girls Club of the Coastal Plain, she was just an echo. She had been trying so hard, for so long to fit in with people she thought were her friends. Simone would talk and act like them, she was mean like them … but all it brought her was misery.
“I didn't know I had a voice, the Boys and Girls Club helped me to find it.” Simone said, “I realized I could be myself at the Club, without fear of being rejected.”
There is a marked difference between that lost girl of the past and the young lady she has become today. The Boys and Girls Club of the Coastal Plain has helped Simone learn how to properly love and respect herself. She has learned how to be herself and not to worry about trying to fit in.
“I've broken the mold - no, I've thrown it away altogether!” Simone said with a smile. “I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I have learned to use my voice … and will use it for change.”
A Sandy* and her two children found safe harbor at the Family Violence Prevention New Directions Safe House after suffering a traumatic domestic violence experience. At the time, she was employed but only working part- time making $7.75 per hour. When Sandy met with a New Directions case manager, she shared her goals of having a better job and living on her own, but she needed a job that paid more money so she could be self-sufficient while raising her two children. The case manager assisted her in preparing a resume, lead her through the job search, and met daily to explore employment opportunities. After a diligent search, Sandy was offered a full-time position making $13.00 per hour. The case manager then helped her search for affordable housing. The New Directions Case manager presented Sandy’s case to the housing committee and the committee assisted the client financially by paying the first month’s rent and utility deposit. Sandy and her two children moved out of the safehouse on June 1st into their first apartment. She has never lived on her own and was extremely nervous yet very excited! Sandy keeps in touch with safe house staff and hopes to volunteer in the future to give back to her community.
*not her real name
1440 East Arlington Blvd., Suite B
Greenville, NC 27858